New Application Process

Gilmer County will be implementing a new application process beginning May 1, 2023 through Frontline Education. This process is a requirement for all 55 counties. You may view open positions across the state at Interested applicants will use a single site to view and apply for administration, teaching and service personnel vacancies across the Mountain State. You are invited to view openings by category or location and visit a county's job board to learn more about a specific vacancy in which you are interested.

 You still may view jobs specifically for Gilmer County by going to our website  and clicking on the Employment tab.

Should you need help with setting up a Frontline account to apply for a job, there is a link on the page titled “Request Technical Help” that links directly to their learning center with helpful information/resources. You also can always reach out to the County Board of Education Office during business hours and we will provide assistance as well.